NVC Business Council Brings Experts to Talk With Students

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Almost 100 students learned more about careers and employment opportunities from two panels of speakers Tuesday and Wednesday as part of an NVC Business Student Organization event in Pecan Hall. 

Speakers on Tuesday talked about their education and career pathways to their present position and answered questions about degrees, participating in community service and student activities and the job market. 

[image 2]Tuesday panelists included Andrea (Dre’) Hardeman, talent acquisition manager for Nationwide; Marcia Caballero, director of sales for Courtyard Marriott SeaWorld Westover Hills; Maria R. Smith, CPA, a solo practitioner providing bookkeeping services for small to medium-size businesses; and Krystal Jones, senior brand manager in communications for the San Antonio Convention and Visitors Bureau. 

On Wednesday, speakers focused on employment and what employers are looking for in the people they hire. Ms. Caballero was joined on this panel by Denise DeVice, director of human resources for SeaWorld; Stephanie Morrison, senior consultant in process management at Nationwide; and Celina Camaro, senior recruiter at Nationwide. 

[image 3]Overall, the message to students centered on working hard and expecting to “pay your dues to succeed.”

Ralph Mendez, NVC Business Student Organization faculty sponsor, said, the panelists “gave students a glimpse into the real world and were genuine in sharing successes and failures.” 

The NVC Business Council is already looking at presenting a similar event in the spring.  

Contributed by Lynne T. Dean, CFRE, Director of NVC Institutional Advancement

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