
NVC an Advocate for Human Rights

For the last five years, faculty at Northwest Vista College has taught and raised awareness about Human Rights.

Now, Dr. Haetham Abdul-Razaq will travel to New York in July to represent NVC and speak at the Youth for Human Rights Summit, which will take place at the United Nations. This event represents the 75th  anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights at the 17th International Human Rights Youth Summit. Haetham is also the president of the Human Rights-Alamo chapter. 

Since 2018, NVC has participated in a number of initiatives to promote human rights, including:

  • Spring 2018 to present: started teaching Human Rights and included the topic as a full module with its materials, instructions, and assignments.

  • Fall 2018 to present: Human Rights activities started in collaboration with our students and other nonprofit organizations to raise awareness and participate in discussions about Human Rights by participating in various events. These events include International Education Week, Refugee Day, Peace Day, Human Rights Day, San Antonio City events, and other events.

  • May 1, 2022: The establishment of the United for Human Rights Alamo Chapter

Additionally, NVC’s Vice President for Academic Success Dr. Daniel Powell wrote a letter of support for the summit. The letter included NVC’s new partnership with the peaceCENTER, which was established in 1996 and emerged as one of the leading organizations for compassion work, grassroots activism, and peacemaking in the city of San Antonio. 

Mayor Ron Nirenberg signed a resolution on June 22, 2017 declaring San Antonio a compassionate city. NVC is partnering with the City of San Antonio to develop a national compassionate curriculum that will be completed this summer and implemented next year, expanding to other cities with Houston as the next city of interest.  


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