Kudos to Northwest Vista College’s Lisa Black who co-authored an article titled “Food, Internet, and Shelter: What Emergency Services Did Community College Students Prioritize During the COVID-19 Pandemic?”
Lisa, who is NVC’s director of Advocacy Services, co-authored the article with Zachary Taylor, PhD, of the Trellis Company. The article, featured in the December 2021 edition of Community College Enterprise, seeks to:
“understand student emergency aid needs shortly after the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a global pandemic, this study reports on 333 community college students’ self-assessed emergency needs from March 26, 2020, until October 2, 2020. Results suggest that community college students self-reported the highest need for utility payment assistance, with food being the lowest need. However, correlations were highest among housing and utility assistance, suggesting many community college students simultaneously struggled with housing and utility payments, amplifying their financial burden and stress.”
To read the full article, go here: Food_Internet_and_Shelter.