Zines as Feminist Resistance

The UTSA Women’s Studies Institute welcomed Northwest Vista College Librarian, Rose Rodriguez as a guest speaker for Women’s History Month.

Her talk was titled “Zines as Feminist Resistance.” There were 50 participants who learned about what a zine is, the history of zines, and how zines can be used for healing and feminist resistance. Rose received a grant in 2019 to start a zine library and made Northwest Vista College the first community college in Texas to have a circulating zine library. Zines are like a mini magazine that is a mixture of a research paper, a blog, and a collage.

Zines build connections between people. They highlight marginalized voices, record their stories, and spread information. The beauty about zines is that they’re inexpensive to make and there are no rules. Rose believes that we all have a story to tell because we are all experts on our own experiences. Rose will have her first publication, a piece entitled “The NVC Zine Library,” published through Litwin Books/Library Juice this Summer.

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