
Wildcat Wows – Employees Going Above and Beyond

From: Randall Garza, Ph.D.
Interim Director of Advising

Adriana Alcala (advisor) reached out to our NVC Advocacy Center to discuss what they were running low on and what students need. Backpacks was the answer and Adriana started a backpack drive in our office. We collected a total of 79 backpacks and have delivered them to the Advocacy Center. Adriana is a passionate student first advisor, part of Caring Campus initiative and is one of the most selfless, inspiring people I have met.

Anthony De Leon (advisor) – He’s only been with NVC for a few months but Anthony has taken a proactive approach in helping a very important population our Student Parents. Anthony is an advisor to our student parents club, he’s an advocate and has delivered NVC’s message of care to our student parent including our friendly student parent schedule and resources for daycare. He attends meetings and collaborates to be a voice our student parents and to show them NVC is here for entire families.

Mariana Perez (Advising Team Support Specialist)  – Mari was picked to represent NVC on the Alamo College’s podcast “a seat at the table with Chancellor Dr. Mike Flores to discuss NVC’s summer camp for kids. Mari talked about how important the camp was for her son and for her as a parent. Episode to air soon.

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