NVC’s Migdalia Garcia bestowed the coveted Wildcat Spirit Award to Lee White of NVC Information Technologies & Communication team at the recent Bragging Breakfast.
The NVC wildcat mascot is delightfully ambiguous. We are practical enough to know we were probably a bobcat or mountain lion and then have the imagination and potential to be a jaguar or leopard as evidence by our statue.
Traits that many of the wildcats share are stealth, ability to adapt to changing environments and they are keen observers. Our recipient possesses these traits and a litany of other wonderful characteristics.
This wildcat roams the campus ensuring that the den is filled with enthusiasm. They dole out copious amount of praise and are a spreader of good cheer.
Their prowess for fixing, repairing, and networking is unparalleled and compassionate. If they can, they will–often come to the rescue of consternated /frustrated employee trying to get something to work. They are also super well versed in the employee handbook should you ever have a question.
Their repertoire of service and selflessness is expansive. During the pandemic they collected and distributed food to their neighbors. When the Pop Up Market was in dire need of volunteers—this individual braved the heat for hours to load boxes of sustenance for those who were food insecure.
On many occasions, myself and lots of others, have benefited from the heart-felt, difficult, and courageous conversations about life, family and work. They are an attentive listener.
This is my love letter to an extraordinary wildcat.
You, dearest NVCer, exemplify what it is to be a wildcat and I am honored to impart this award to you, LEE WHITE.