
Thankful for Our Teams

November brings forth the seasonal reminders of thankfulness. Once (okay probably more than once) I was a sullen teenager pouting about something oh so important that I no longer recall; however, I distinctly recall my grandma interrupting my pout session and sitting me down for a chat about gratitude. She explained that to experience gratitude, I had to remember what I was thankful for rather than focusing on what I perceived as the shortcoming of the moment.

At times, I am better at remembering my grandma’s lessons than practicing them. I am thankful for this opportunity to remember just a few of the many moments of thanks this semester.

Thank you to the team, led by Tony Bravo and Joey Dinscore, that has been working to expand our food service operations at the Wildcat Den and continue to work find creative additional location options. Our food service partner, Tony G’s Soul Food, has truly been collaborative and united in our efforts to expand service.

And, thank you to the team, led by Felix Salinas, Tony Bravo, and Joey Dinscore, that has been working to get our temporary bookstore location opened in Huisache Hall before Thanksgiving.

Moments shared with so many of you throughout this semester have created memories to cherish and build gratitude, from the times of laughter to the times of putting together the puzzles pieces of our ongoing and future projects. I am thankful each day that I have the opportunity to serve our students with you. NVC – so many beautiful things are on the horizon!

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