
NVC President Dr. Amy Bosley Joins Excelencia in Education

Excelencia in Education, the nation’s premier authority in efforts accelerating Latino student success in higher education, announced today that Northwest Vista College (NVC) President Dr. Amy Bosley has chosen to be part of Presidents for Latino Student Success network.

This important national network is comprised of college and university presidents and chancellors who commit to making their institutions learning environments where Latino students thrive. The institutions in Excelencia’s network are transforming higher education.

Northwest Vista College is federally designated as a Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSI), defined in Title V of the Higher Education Act as an institution of higher learning with a full-time equivalent undergraduate student enrollment that is at least 25% Hispanic. The Hispanic student enrollment at NVC is 66%. It mirrors San Antonio’s Hispanic population, according to the 2022 website.

“Having the enrollment does not necessarily mean institutional commitment,” said Northwest Vista College President Dr. Amy Bosley. “It takes dedication of people and resources, and the relentless pursuit of excellence. Northwest Vista College is committed to Latino student success in access, degree completion, job search, and career progression. Our community depends on us to deliver on our promise of supporting this region’s workforce needs, and that includes becoming a Hispanic-Thriving Institution,” said Dr. Bosley.

Of the thousands of colleges and universities across the country, the more than 150 leaders of the 175 institutions in the network enroll one in four of all Latino students in higher education. More importantly, these institutions account for one in three of all Latino graduates. In fact, a subset of the Excelencia network – 30 institutions that have been certified with the Seal of Excelencia – represents 13% of all Latino enrollment and graduates 14% of all Latinos in the U.S.

Excelencia professionals, the leadership network, and their campus teams, actively collaborate to put evidence-based practices and strategic analysis of student data to use supporting and advancing the talents, skills, and contributions of Latino students and the institutions.

Sarita Brown, co-founder and President of Excelencia, said, “Higher education leaders with skills and vision are fundamental to our country’s strong recovery. Those prepared to engage and intentionally serve Latino students, while serving all their students, will lead the way.”

Excelencia is honored to work with the trendsetting presidents and chancellors who have accepted this challenge. The leaders in the network have made common cause with Excelencia to accelerate Latino student success in higher education.

Through the network, Northwest Vista College President Dr. Amy Bosley will collaborate with Excelencia to leverage collective expertise and resources, foster partnerships, and amplify current efforts at the national level. To learn more about Presidents for Latino Student Success network and the other institutional leaders across the country affiliated with Excelencia, visit:

About Excelencia in Education
Excelencia in Education accelerates Latino student success in higher education by promoting Latino student achievement, conducting analysis to inform educational policies, and advancing institutional practices while collaborating with those committed and ready to meet the mission. Launched in 2004 in the nation’s capital, Excelencia has established a network of results-oriented educators and policymakers to address the U.S. economy’s needs for a highly educated workforce and engaged civic leaders. For more information, visit:

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