By NVC Director of Community Collaborations Abreetta Bonner
The NVC Innovation Grant provides Northwest Vista College employees an opportunity to showcase innovative instruction and/or student co-curricular support that positively impacts student learning, persistence and/or completion.
All NVC employees have an opportunity to submit a project proposal that supports Strategic Priorities and Goals in the College Strategic Plan and/or Alamo Colleges Strategic Priorities. Each year upon review, the NVC Innovation Grant committee awards a $1,000 grant to the most innovative proposal submission.
Congratulations to this year’s award recipients Luz Hernandez and Steven Rocha! This year Luz and Steven have chosen to focus their grant award on the early stages of student’s enrollment completion. Their innovative work will impact hundreds of students by providing different transportation methods for them to come to our campus and take care of major portions of their enrollment process such as the TSI completion, New Student Orientation completion, and more.
Thank you to our very own Dr. Richard Drumm for his unwavering support of our employee’s professional development and drive to see the services we provide to our students and community are both effective and innovative.
For More Information: contact Abreetta Bonner at ([email protected]).