
NVC Caring Campus Initiative Debuts

The Caring Campus Initiative has embraced Northwest Vista College.

At NVC’s recent convocation for employees, the NVC Caring Campus team unveiled the NVC plan to remind employees of the Caring Initiative, which is developed by the Institute for Evidence-Based Change (IEBC). The goal is to create a college environment that increases students’ sense of connectedness and belonging and, in turn, completion of each student’s education goals. The Alamo Colleges District and some of the other sister colleges has already incorporated the initiative.

NVC’s Caring Campus plan will specifically tackle how to help students from historically underserved populations, students less familiar with college, non-majority students, students from low-income households, and first-generation students to feel welcome and that they belong in college.

The NVC team identified seven behaviors (below) that are easy and quick to do to create that spirit of belonging. For the last several months, the NVC Caring Campus team has been led by NVC’s Lisa McDaniel and Adriana Alcala with a small group f committee members.

If you would like to be apart of creating some innovative ideas, please contact Lisa or Adriana to get the next meeting dates. 

  1. Contact each student shortly after they enroll

  2. Cross-Department Awareness

  3. Remember the 10-foot Rule

  4. First Week Greetings

  5. Wear Name Tags / Identification

  6. Engage with Warm Referrals

  7. Contact students to check in

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