New Call Center for NVC

A much-needed Christmas present came a little early for Northwest Vista College. 

Just in time for spring registration, NVC is now partnered with a Harte Hanks call center for a little more than 10 phone technicians to answer frequently-asked questions coming to the NVC Admissions phone line.  

NVC Director of Enrollment Robin Sandberg said not too long ago, NVC had about a 30 percent efficiency rate with answering the phones. With this new service, the goal is to get closer to 90 percent. So far early data is looking promising. Between Nov. 3 through Nov. 5, the Harte Hanks techs took 587 calls and the efficiency rate has held steady at about 98 percent. 

“This is five times as many people that we usually have answer the phones,” Robin said. “At best, we probably had two people designated taking calls. This is just in time for registration.” 

This new partnership was first piloted with Palo Alto and San Antonio Colleges. Additionally, callers with more advanced issues will be transferred to the Admissions staff at NVC.

Some of the questions the San Antonio-based Harte Hanks’ techs will take include: 
  • Apply Texas information; Communicate existing holds
  • ACES Online processes
  • Web navigation
  • Application Status
  • Inform students of Residency status and provide referrals.
  • Enrollment Steps
  • Banner numbers/ACES usernames
  • Transcript request information
  • Registration – deadlines, Enrollment Management Information
  • Other General Information

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