
Hispanic Heritage Month: A Testament to Our Values

Bobby Ayala, Ph.D.
NVC Dean for Academic Success

As we step into the vibrant and culturally rich month of September, we are reminded of the significance of Hispanic Heritage Month and impact on our community and our students. This annual celebration, which runs from September 15th to October 15th, holds a special place in our hearts as a Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI). It is a time to reflect, appreciate, and embrace the diversity Hispanic culture that enriches our campus and the students we serve.

Hispanic Heritage Month is not just a collection of dates on the calendar; it is a testament to our commitment to inclusivity, diversity, and the values that make our service truly special. It’s a time when we acknowledge the vital contributions of Hispanic Americans to our nation, and to our community.

Hispanic Heritage Month highlights who we are and what we value as an institution by:

Celebrating Diversity: Our community is a mosaic of cultures, languages, and traditions. Hispanic Heritage Month allows us to celebrate the richness and diversity of Hispanic cultures that are woven into the fabric of our institution.

Empowering Voices: It provides a platform for Hispanic students, faculty, and staff to share their stories, experiences, and perspectives. It’s an opportunity to amplify their voices and create a more inclusive environment.

Educational Opportunity: This month serves as an educational opportunity for everyone to learn about the history, contributions, and challenges faced by Hispanic communities. By understanding these aspects, we foster empathy, unity, and cultural awareness.

Strengthening Community Bonds: By coming together to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month, we strengthen our sense of community. It reinforces the importance of collaboration, cariño, and support among all members of our college family.

Promoting Inclusivity: It reminds us of our commitment to being a Hispanic Serving Institution. We strive to provide resources, support, and an environment that empowers Hispanic students and by extension all students to excel academically and personally.

During this month and beyond, let us continue to recognize the significant contributions of our students’ culture and honor the Hispanic heritage that enriches our lives. As we engage in various events and activities, let us open our hearts and minds to the beauty of diversity and the strength that it brings to Northwest Vista College.

We invite each one of you to participate in the upcoming celebrations, workshops, and events organized throughout Hispanic Heritage Month. By doing so, we not only celebrate the past but also invest in a more inclusive and collaborative future.  Below is a link to our events, and we look forward to seeing y’all there.

Thank you for being an essential part of our Hispanic Serving Institution. Together, we can continue to make a positive difference and create a lasting legacy of learning, creativity, community, openness, diversity, integrity, synergy, joy, and cariño for all.

¡Viva la Herencia Hispana! (Long Live Hispanic Heritage!)

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