Following in Each Other's Footsteps

Mother and daughter, Patricia Hernandez and Victoria Green, can now add earning their associate degrees in Teaching to the list of achievements they have accomplished together. 
Their story of success includes Patricia being the first in her family to go to college and Victoria being the first of three children to follow her lead. The pair now share the same goal of becoming teachers.

Currently, Patricia is attending Texas A&M University – San Antonio (TAMU-SA) and is conducting her student teaching with the Northside Independent School District. She will be graduating this May with a Bachelor’s of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies. Having completed her associate degree in the fall of 2014, Victoria has plans to begin attending TAMU-SA next semester.

Looking back, Patricia says making the choice to return to college at the age of 36 meant having to balance work, family and life.

Daughter Victoria explains that her mother has led by example.

“My mom inspires me,” she said. “She stays up all hours of the night doing her homework because she is committed.”

Both Victoria and Patricia say that earning their associate degrees helped give them both a sense of pride and accomplishment. 

“The professors at NVC gave me the push I needed to pursue my dream in life to be a special education teacher,” said Patricia.

For Victoria, Northwest Vista provided countless memories both inside and outside the classroom.

“I’ll forever cherish the friendships and bonds that were created while I attended NVC,” Victoria said.

Both Patricia and Victoria say their favorite Vista Touchstone is Integrity.

“We both believe that Integrity is what you do when no one else is looking,” the mother and daughter said. “It is staying true to your beliefs and sticking to your word.”

Contributed by Manuel V. Martinez, editor of the NVC Alumni newsletter. To read more stories from the newsletter, click here.

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