Employee of the Month for Nov. 2013

Christina Brown
Senior Coordinator of Retention/Academic Standards at Student Success 

(What her peers say anonymously)

“Christina is a master at multitasking. She supervises the Retention team, International student team and works to ensure the advising schedule is up to date to include adequate coverage for the advising center. She works to keep our degree templates current and user friendly. She has a family she cares for and is currently continuing her education in pursuit of a master's degree. She is like the 'Energizer Bunny,' keeps going and going and going.”

“Christina demonstrates her caring value each and every day. She cares about our students and she cares about the staff. She always put the students' needs first, she is sympathetic to their situation and truly wants to help them succeed. She meets, works with , calls, emails students to ensures they have the opportunity to return to NVC after being placed academic dismissal. She also teaches the SDEV 0171 Strategies for Success class each semester. When she is working with a student that was on academic dismissal and is not back to satisfactory academic progress, she is as excited for the student, as the student is, for their success.”

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