A Collaborative Approach to Strategic Planning

This year, Northwest Vista College is taking a different approach to creating its strategic plan for the next five years.

The NVC Strategic Planning Steering Team said the goal is to have a more inclusive process of having faculty, staff, and students participate in shaping the future of NVC. To make it convenient for everyone, there are three different dates and times to go and include your feedback.

In addition to the meetings, there’s also an online Canvas course open to all. There’s great data in the Canvas modules about NVC, the future of community colleges, the demographics San Antonio and NVC students, the changes facing students and NVC, and how to envision the future of NVC responding to those changes. To go to the Canvas course, go here.

Here is the timeline of the events:

  • February-March 2018 – Town Hall Meetings
  • April 2018 – Develop draft of the Strategic Plan
  • Summer 2018 – Cabinet Approval
  • Fall 2018 – Strategic Plan 2018-2023 Launch

Below are the next meeting times – which allows you to come-and-go during the time most convenient to you:

2/16 Manzanillo Hall -203 (Innovation Center) 12:00pm-1:30pm
2/20 Huisache Hall -215 9:30am-11:00am


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