Alumni Story: Graduate Finds Purpose at NVC

Trevor Chauvin, Class of 2014
“Be different, be bold and be daring. If you’re scared, it means you’re doing something right.”

Trevor Chauvin is an accomplished stage actor, director and graduate of Northwest Vista College. Devoting his life to the theatre, he said NVC helped him find the focus and purpose to show him his path.

“I was involved in a beautiful production of ‘Cabaret’ a couple of years ago,” he shared. “That show changed my life and pulled things out of me I didn’t know I could give.”

Trevor said the NVC faculty and the Palmetto Center for the Arts theater and its amenities provide students with a “truly incredible experience.”

“The Arts programs at NVC surprised me,” he said. “People such as Tim Hedgepeth (NVC faculty) have served as mentors who provided the guidance and inspiration to help me succeed. “

Now as a graduate of Northwest Vista, Trevor has stepped into the role of becoming an advocate for the arts.

In addition to performing in theatre productions across San Antonio, he recently accepted an invitation to sit on the board of directors for the Friends of the Arts at NVC (FANs) arts organization.

Trevor was previously a student representative on the board for two semesters and says he is proud to now represent The Playhouse San Antonio.

 “I think it’s important for members of the artistic community in San Antonio to realize what is going on at Vista,” he said.

When asked what advice he has for current and future students, Trevor said they should find their passion and not let anyone tell them it is wrong.

“My degree from NVC has allowed me to work in a field of study I am passionate about,” he explained. “As Confucius said, ‘Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life.”

Currently, Trevor is the Education and Outreach coordinator at the Playhouse San Antonio. He plans to pursue his bachelor’s degree at the University of the Incarnate Word, which he says will allow him to continue following his path of teaching theatre.

Trevor can be seen performing in stage productions throughout San Antonio. 

Contributed by Manuel V. Martinez, editor of the NVC Alumni newsletter. To read more stories from the newsletter, click here.

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