
Fourth Annual Walk of Fame

Northwest Vista College Workforce Education & Training partnered with the Fitness Event Planning & Promotion class to put on the 4th Annual Breast Cancer “Walk of Fame” on Tuesday, Oct. 10. 

The “Walk of Fame” is a tribute to students, former-students, alumni, faculty/staff families, and the community members’ families who are survivors, fighting breast cancer, or who have passed because of this disease.

Alamo Breast Cancer Foundation cancer survivor and speaker Sandi Stanford gave information on breast cancer; Dale Eastman, the foundation’s founder, provided a question and answer session. NVC Alumni Minnie Hines Chen, a breast cancer survivor, told her story of getting cancer at the age of 19.

Alumni Sarah Pascual, had brain surgery Aug. 28 for two brain tumors that metastasized from her breast cancer and was not able to walk. However, she felt so strongly about the cause that she drove in a golf cart and made a presentation at the end of the walk. She got breast cancer at the age of 27. To see more pictures from the event, go here:

To see the video from the event, go here:

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