Heartwarming Story

About a story on Pat Ramirez:

Melissa (Monroe-Young),

I just wanted to thank you for the piece you wrote about Pat Ramirez; it was very sweet and heartwarming. You included just the right quotes from the guest book that described the kind of person and co-worker she was to us all. She loved her job, she loved the people and she loved being on (NVC) Staff Council.

I’m really going to miss that crazy little lady. My last contact with her was on Aug. 17, by text and it was thanking me for my thoughts & prayers. That was “Our Pat.  I have it safely stored.

I think you always do an awesome job on your stories and the pictures, but this one made me cry. Anyway, thank you and know that I truly appreciate the time and work that you put into, what I considered to be a very special assignment.”

From Martha Salinas of Student Success

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