Where Legacies are Built!

This year, Northwest Vista College celebrates 25 years of serving the community. On April 18, 1995, the Alamo Colleges District Board of Trustees approved the establishment of the fourth college. Community residents enthusiastically proposed 258 names for the newest college on the far northwest side of San Antonio. Northwest Vista College’s name was then selected from that list and became official on June 20, 1995.

The following August, before any construction was started, 12 students — including NVC’s current Veterans Affairs Senior Coordinator Betty Cunningham — began classes at offsite locations including the Alamo Colleges District office, Southwest Research Institute, St. Rose of Lima Church and Northside Independent School District (NISD).

Over the last 25 years, NVC has been changing thousands of lives. The impact NVC’s education and culture have had on students, their families and community is immeasurable. The impact our students and their stories have had on the lives of our faculty and staff is priceless.

Last fall, a student focus group conducted by students in NVC’s Marketing & Strategic Communications Department revealed that students see NVC as a place “Where Legacies Are Built.”

Image the legacies NVC’s faculty, staff and community members supporting our efforts have built for our students…

Imagine the legacies NVC students are creating by pursuing their education at NVC…

Imagine what the future holds for our next 25 years…


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