While it’s hard to capture every story, we hope to periodically share in this space some of the major accomplishments or projects that are taking place. Members of the executive team will write about important topics that they feel NVC employees should be made aware of.
Let us know about the positive things your area is doing to help students or improve processes by contacting myself or NVC Public Relations.
– Dr. Ric Baser, NVC President
Updates from the Student Wellness Center
From Jennifer Comedy-Holmes, dean of Student Wellness Center, Student Success
The NVC Counseling Services department has created a comprehensive guide that covers 18 different areas of potential resources in our community, ranging from counseling services, food pantry information, LGBTQ resources, and conflict resolution resources. Please feel free to share the counseling website with your students and community. It is located at http://alamo.edu/nvc/current-students/counseling/
Additionally, the NVC Wellness department will be supporting Sexual Violence Awareness Month by participating in Denim Day on Wednesday, April 26. Get your denim ready and stay tuned for more information!
Updates from Academic Success
From Dr. Amy Whitworth, vice president of Academic Success
Alamo Institutes Updates
This year the focus of the Institutes’ work has been in developing and aligning advising guides to transfer institutions and ensuring that our workforce advising guides offer our students a pathway that helps them to complete the certificate or degree in a timely manner. On April 6, leaders from the five colleges will meet with the four-year institutions in a compact with the Alamo Colleges to address the various issues that our students face in transferring.
The implementation of the Institutes has given us an opportunity to ask the question, “What is the best college experience that we can offer to our students at NVC?” At NVC this spring, leadership from across the college has been meeting with Institute team leads to develop a vision of the best college experience that can guide and inform what we want the Institutes to be at NVC. The initial focus will be on the academic support and experiential/applied learning that we can offer to our students. On May 5, Institute team members will meet to continue this dialogue.
Academic Success Structure
In light of the growth that NVC has experienced and the reports of projected growth, the Academic Success Leadership Team (ASLT) (chairs, deans, VPAS) has been examining the Academic Success structure to ensure that we have the capacity in place to meet the needs of faculty and students. We must always have an eye on the essential and important work of educating our students and reflect upon and dialogue with each other about whether the structures and practices we have in place are best supporting that work. To this end, the ASLT has developed three models in addition to the current one. These models will be taken to the faculty on Friday, April 7 to get feedback. We will conduct a charrette (a meeting in which all stakeholders in a project attempt to resolve conflicts and map solutions) for initial feedback to begin this dialogue with faculty.