We Need Your Ideas

Once a year, the NVC Public Relations team in collaboration with other faculty and staff publish the President’s Report to inform the community about the state of our college as it relates to our priorities and successes.

If you haven’t yet had a chance to see the 2012 report, titled “Imagining the Possibilities,” here’s the link. A limited number of copies were distributed to our donors, legislators, educators and business partners and students who were featured in the report. 

The cover and the design of the report was inspired by the painting “Share Your Experience” by Karl Frey, a former NVC faculty member who now works at Northeast Lakeview College.

The “Imagining the Possibilities” theme covers topics that capture our data, success stories and other anecdotal information. Woven throughout the publication are profiles of current and former students who tell stories about their experiences at NVC and the difference that our college and education has made in their lives.

As we embark on the 2013 report, we are looking for theme ideas and possible artwork that capture all that was accomplished this year and what we still need to work on. Keep in mind, NVC’s three main objectives are Completion, Learning and Sustainability and we try to incorporate those objectives into the report.

Please e-mail your ideas to me or Renata Serafin of Public Relations. Early next year, college leaders will be contacted for story ideas or any important news coming from their areas. Thank you.

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