Veterans in the Classroom

Do you have veteran students in your classes? With hundreds of veterans attending NVC, chances are very good that you do, even if you’re not sure who they are. How can we as faculty best serve this group of students?

Mark Tovar, Adriana Cantu, and Betty Cunningham of NVC’s Veterans Affairs and Student Wellness offices, as well as volunteer veteran NVC students, facilitated an interactive session on this topic. Here are some highlights from the workshop:

  • Texas has a one of the highest populations of student veterans in the United States
  • Student veterans come from many walks of life, as diverse as their experiences
  • Many student veterans experience challenges when transitioning to the classroom
  • Common challenges may be visible (burns, amputations, etc.) or invisible (Post Traumatic Stress, Traumatic Brain Injury, Depression, etc.)    
  • We can use our awareness of these challenges to create supportive classroom practices
  • Resources are available both on and off campus to assist veterans with these issues. Please contact NVC Counseling Services, Veteran Affairs (on campus), or Access Office disability support services for additional resources. 
  • Also, contact Counseling Services (210-486-4419 or 210-486-4834) if you would like a copy of the Veterans in the Classroom presentation
  • NVC is committed to creating and sustaining a positive environment for all veterans!

Another resource for veterans is NVC's Vet 2 Vet program. For more information, click here. 

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