To Prepare, Respond and Recover from a Major Incident at NVC

On Friday, Nov. 9, faculty and staff participated in a multi-partner emergency drill to test how ready NVC can be for a major crisis.

NVC College Risk Management Coordinator Garvin Dansby said the objectives on the drill were to enhance the Building and Crisis Action Teams skills while working with SAFD, SAPD, Haz Mat and Bexar County emergency personnel. Emphasis was placed on internal/external communication and standing up NVC’s Emergency Operations Center (EOC) while operating under the Incident Command System. The new EOC is located across from Mountain Laurel Hall where the UPS office is.

NVC will receive an official out brief from Alamo College’s risk management team on Nov. 30. Garvin said so far what was learned is that preparing and practicing is imperative in getting top down buy-in and team cohesiveness. Other opportunities for improvement include: don’t turn a blind eye to safety hazards. If you see something, say something, and support your campus emergency personnel.

Alamo Colleges Department of Public Safety and Risk Management are planning to conduct additional drills the week of Feb. 25. If you have any questions, contact Garvin at [email protected] or call 210-486-4062.

Here’s the video from Nov. 9 and what took place at the EOC:

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