The Information Literacy Academy – Learn How to Help Students be Critical Thinkers

Misinformation? Disinformation? Whatever happened to credible information? The need to find, evaluate, and synthesize information has never been so important, both for academic work and everyday life. We need to develop our students into ethical, competent consumers and creators of information.

The Information Literacy Academy, which is part of Northwest Vista’s Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP), can help. Together we will tackle these information literacy challenges and others. Participants will have the opportunity to network and share ideas with other NVC faculty from a variety of disciplines. Past participants have greatly enjoyed this opportunity for cross-disciplinary pollination.

As with most of our classes since March, we will be offering the Information Literacy Academy completely online this year. It will consist of approximately 18 hours of class participation. Some of the class time will be in live sessions via Zoom. The rest of the course will be asynchronous (not real-time) and consist of readings, videos, and activities through Canvas.

Facilitators for the Academy will be three instruction librarians:  Amanda Gorrell, Linda Reeves, and Rose Rodriguez. This will be the fifth year that they have conducted the Academy. Course release time is available for full-time faculty participating in the Academy. The Academy is also open to adjunct faculty and to staff.

If you are interested in participating, clear it with your chair or supervisor and email Denise Tolan and Barb Guerra, who coordinate NVC’s QEP. If you have questions about course content or how the Academy will be conducted, feel free to contact NVC Librarians Amanda, Linda, or Rose.

Contributed by NVC Librarian Linda Reeves

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