Faculty Kudos

Finding Time for Certifications

Teri Dimas, coordinator of NVC’s Personal Fitness Trainer program, said while teaching remotely she has found time to earn a TRX certification (suspension training). This will allow her to offer more content on the TRX in formats such as classes within the Personal Fitness Training Program, Weight Training courses for the Kinesiology department and for faculty workout classes.

Diana Bradford

From a student email: 

“I took Education 1301 and Education 2301 with her and both semesters were great. The experience I have acquired with her lectures, the Junior Achievement program and the field service hours I was able to complete at the elementary school I was assigned, have been very helpful for my future career as an educator.

Professor Bradford has always been fair, sharing her expectations ahead of time and providing the help and support needed at this difficult time we are all going through with the Covid-19 pandemic. She was always available by email, phone and by Zoom if we needed any assistance or further clarification on any module.

Thank you for having such a respected professor in our college!”

Dr. Edgar Garza

From a student email: 

“Today I finished the best class I have taken so far in college: Speech 1315 with Dr. Edgar Garza. The reason I am writing to you is because I did not completed the student class surveys on time for any of my courses this semester and I feel bad I missed the chance to rate my favorite professor and class with the highest scores he deserve.

Dr. Garza has been an amazing professor and human being. He is very energetic in his lectures and engages everyone to participate, making his class a complete joy. Dr. Garza has gone above and beyond by been very supportive and flexible, always available to provide help to my peers and me at the speech lab, in his office hours, and even after the college closed due to the pandemic, one on one through Zoom or by phone if we needed any help. Many of my peers have also complemented his efforts through this difficult time.”

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