Thank You for Your Commitment to NVC

As we close out this semester and the 2020 year, please accept my words of thank you for your NVC spirit of collaboration and strength.

Our 25thyear was memorable in ways we couldn’t have anticipated. The heartbreaks experienced individually and as a team leave scars that remind us of our resiliency. We have learned a great deal about our students, ourselves, our colleagues and our nation. We remain steadfast in our commitment to student success, retention and completion. We also remain committed to our work against racism and injustice.

I look forward to the upcoming winter break as a way to reflect and strengthen for the upcoming new year. I look forward to enjoying the simple things that we’ve come to appreciate this year like a friendly smile, a hug, a phone call and a holiday card.

Thank you for your commitment to NVC. Enjoy safe and peaceful holidays!

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