Vice President of Student Success
Dr. Debra Morgan is a pillar in the foundation of NVC. She had a vision for our college that included having a Can Do Spirit, being Student-Centered, and Creating Opportunities for Success.
She always had the best interest of students at the center of every decision she made and she taught us to be mindful of the mission of Community Colleges. She embraced life and lived every day as though it were her last. She had a servant heart and worked diligently to bring people together, often-times women, to rally together in support of others who could benefit from our combined strength. She advocated for and promoted initiatives and strategies that would make the Alamo Community College District and its colleges the best in the nation.
When others thought an idea was impossible, she was already strategizing on how to accomplish the unimaginable. She was a warrior woman whom we will miss immensely. Northwest Vista College sends our deepest condolences to Deb’s husband, Dennis Gittinger and her daughter, Katie Woodburn and the rest of her beautiful family. Deb requested that in lieu of flowers, please consider a donation to:
Pancreas cancer research and prevention –
Alamo Scholarship Funds – the Margaret Gittinger Fine Arts and/or the Dennis Gittinger scholarship for Math Majors
Irish Blessing:
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you
in the palm of His hand.

NVC Faculty and Staff pay tribute to Dr. Morgan
Don Lucas
Jack Robbins
Ralph Mendez
Dennis Gittinger
Natalia Trevino
Sharon Shelton Colangelo