Taking Off the Watch After 18 Years

Larry Dana Goodrich
NVC Professor of History  

While at Northwest Vista College, Dana taught history and humanities courses, as well as served as a faculty trainer for critical thinking and collaborative learning. He was also in the first group of tenured faculty, and started the history department and designed its curriculum, etc. He said it's been an unmatched experience beginning a college and helping in small ways to shape it.  

“It's been far and away the best institution I've ever worked for, one that allowed me complete congruence between who I am and what I do. I shall treasure that always, as I do the relationships that I've had,” added Dana. 

How long have you been with Alamo Colleges? With NVC?
With five other initial faculty, I began with both Alamo Colleges and NVC in August, 1998, when we were teaching classes at St. Rose of Lima on Marbach Road. I leave after 18 wonderful years with the campus far bigger and more beautiful that I could have imagined.

What will you miss about NVC?
Obviously, anyone other than a recluse would miss the people one works with. I’ve worked in several different colleges, but I’ve never worked with as progressive and committed a faculty and staff as there are here. Jackie (former NVC President Dr. Jackie Claunch) set the tone for the institution, and it resonates even today which, given the explosive growth we quickly experienced, is difficult to maintain. That tone is one of caring and commitment, and you see it every time you talk with any of our faculty, staff or administration.

I will also miss the contact with the students. On many occasions, I’ve remarked that we have some of the most considerate students I’ve ever known. The motivation and commitment to excellence among them may vary a bit, but their thoughtfulness seems not to. It’s been a pleasure to get to know them and their stories, dreams, and challenges. I need to leave while I can still remember their names! Last, and of no small importance, I’ll miss my office – it may be the premier one on campus, and it’s been a delight to share it with Edgar and Ginger!

What are your plans for retirement?
Many have told me that the downfall of those who retire is having no plan for staying active. If that’s the case, I foresee no problems. Plans are already made for the first of many trips that can be undertaken without having to do so only in the heat of the summer (e.g. August/September in Norway). Already, I find I have much more time to read, walk/hike, play tennis and golf, and even cook. The day he retired, Jo-Carol’s father (Dr. Jo-Carol Fabianke – Alamo Colleges Vice Chancellor of Academic Success) took off his watch and never wore it again. I rather think that may serve me as a guide for how to approach this new phase.

And anything else you would like to add.

Yes – a simple and humble thanks for all who’ve been part of our community and have put up with me. There’s an old joke that everyone makes you happy – some when they come into the room, some when they leave. I will be leaving, but I can only hope that isn’t an occasion for happiness. I shall miss the people and the unique community that is Northwest Vista. It was an unalloyed pleasure to be a small part of it. (Bye!)

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