
New NVC Staff Senate Members

Congratulations to the new Northwest Vista College Staff Senate members: Officers: President:  Cynthia Rosas Vice President:  Elladean Moreno Treasurer:  Minerva Muniz Secretary:  Delilah Salazar Historian:  Melissa Monroe – Young Parliamentarian:  Melissa Moya Members: Rosemarie Rodriguez Paul Vallejo Larry Trejo Malcolm Higgins Veronica Buendida Alicia Baltazar Barbara Rodriguez

New Year and Officers for Staff Senate

Recently new officers were selected for Northwest Vista College’s Staff Senate, which advocates for career advancement, job welfare and the working environment of all staff. The new officers are: Officers President – Yalitza P. Guerra Vice President – Amparo Garcia Secretary – Veronica Gonzalez Treasurer – Marsha Gonzales Historian – Diane De La Garza Parliamentarian