NVC Staff Senate

NVC Staff Senate Retreat at the Botanical Gardens!

Our Northwest Vista College Staff Senators recently gathered at the beautiful Botanical Gardens for their annual retreat. It was a day filled with vibrant discussions, team-building activities, and lots of purple pride!They celebrated their amazing Staff Senators with well-deserved awards for their dedication and hard work. Congratulations to all the award recipients! They are excited to

New NVC Staff Senate Members

Congratulations to the new Northwest Vista College Staff Senate members: Officers: President:  Cynthia Rosas Vice President:  Elladean Moreno Treasurer:  Minerva Muniz Secretary:  Delilah Salazar Historian:  Melissa Monroe – Young Parliamentarian:  Melissa Moya Members: Rosemarie Rodriguez Paul Vallejo Larry Trejo Malcolm Higgins Veronica Buendida Alicia Baltazar Barbara Rodriguez

New Name, Same Mission

The Northwest Vista College Staff Council will soon become the Northwest Vista College Staff Senate. Although the name has changed, its mission to enhance the professionalism of all staff members by increasing access to information, participation, communication and recognition is as strong as ever. NVC Staff Senate will accomplish its goals by: Representing the concerns