employee giving

Celebrating Donors who Contribute to Student Scholarships

The Employee Giving Appreciation Luncheon was a celebration of employees & community members who have contributed to different NVC funds that help support student scholarships and academic programs. During the luncheon NVC student Michaela Alvarado provided an incredibly moving speech where she shared her gratitude for all NVC employees who have contributed to the employee

Just One Latte a Month!

Getting a college education is never easy and for many of our students, it may be even harder if they are taking care of families. Martin Zavala-Hernandez, a fall 2016 recipient of the NVC Alumni Scholarship, eloquently expressed his appreciation for the scholarship he received in a thank-you letter to donors: “It is often hard

Employees Win Prizes in NVC Cares. . . I Care Campaign Drawing

At the September NVC Bragging Breakfast, 14 employees won gift baskets, gift cards from restaurants, NVC sweatshirts and even purple NVC lawn chairs. The gifts included in the drawing were contributed by Red Robin, Follett and the NVC Bookstore, Broadway Bank, Chipotle, The Egg and I, Frost Bank, Los Barrios and Viola’s Ventanas, Santikos Entertainment,