Super Helpful!

About Various Student Success Staffers

“Here we are starting a new semester next week!!! I know that Student Success is a vital component of the campus and I also know firsthand how busy everyone is because I experienced that.  The student traffic is steady and the staff works diligently to assist students.

I would like to share a few things with you. Working offsite sometimes can be challenging because I can’t walk over with a student to FA, A & R, SDEV office, etc. but I won’t let that be a barrier and keep me from doing the best that I can for our students here at WETC. So, either I call, email or IM these departments. 

I want you to know that Abel & his staff, Edward Torralva, Michelle Aguirre, Dr. Williams, Jo Garcia and Residency office have been SUPER HELPFUL every time that I have called this week.  They could very easily have said that they are busy, but not once did they utter those words. They were always positive and helpful.”

Thank you NVC Student Success staff!”

Maria Jimenez
Alamo I-BEST
Westside Education & Training Center

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