Student Thankful for Options

About Jo Garcia of the CaTS Center
From Lucy Gauna, NVC coordinator of Scholarships

“Brian Henriksen and I had gotten on the subject of degree planning in relation to his four years; and, he talked in detail about how he had met with you. He said, 'Ms. Garcia – oh my gosh – she was amazing.' It was in reference to advising that you did with him related to graduation and degree planning.

You talked to him about graduating with two associates in the spring and being able to plan long term with his elective choices. He also talked about how you gave him perspective and guidance for when he goes to the next step once he finishes at NVC next year. What a compliment!

He said that 'you really knew your stuff' and 'were just awesome' when you pulled out all kinds of information and showed him his options.

I just wanted to tell you THANK YOU for helping students the way you do…your knowledge and passion stays with them, and it just made me so proud to be one your co-workers.”

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