Student Perception Survey About Completion

The Northwest Vista College Public Relations Team conducted a survey in September to gain an understanding of students’ perceptions about degree completion. The survey asked students to what extent they want an associate degree or certificate, what steps they need to take and what communication tools help them achieve their goals. There were 502 students who participated in the survey. 

“The results of the survey tell us that the communication campaign helps students but it also tells us that the communication has to be ongoing,” said Renata Serafin, director of Public Relations. “One of the areas that we will need to focus on is making sure we continue to talk to students about completion.” 

About 18 percent of students surveyed this fall said, “No one has talked to them about earning a degree or certificate from NVC.”

The same results were found when the survey was conducted in spring 2014. 

“Whether that’s perception or reality, we should change it,” said Renata. When the post communication campaign was conducted, 14.51 percent of students said that no one talked to them about completion. Another post communication campaign survey will be done at the end of this semester. 

The feedback from the survey will be used to improve college communication about earning a degree or certificate. As part of that process, the Public Relations team has designed a new set of marketing materials, which are being presented to students for review and selection. At the same time, Student Success and Public Relations are working together to create message that are well understood by students and that are consistent across the college. 

The Degree Messaging team includes: 

  • Christina Brown
  • Roque Heredia
  • Kelly Blanco
  • Michelle Aguirre
  • Yalitza Guerra
  • Lisa McDaniel
  • Paul Vallejo
  • Angela Cavazos
  • Melissa Monroe-Young 

Here are the results of the surveyHere is a summary of the survey that includes the Spring 2014 survey results. Go to the link: [file 1]

If you have any comments or questions, you can contact Renata Serafin at [email protected]. Students who participated in the survey were entered into a drawing for Las Palapas gift cards. Five students received gift cards worth $10. Thank you to Las Palapas of Alamo Ranch for their generous gift. 

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