Strategic Enrollment Management Update
“Seasons is a wise metaphor for the movement of life, I think. It suggests that life is neither a battlefield nor a game of chance but something infinitely richer, more promising, more real.” Parker Palmer
As I feel the cool wind of fall and the sun give way to the moon, earlier in the evening, I am reminded of Parker Palmer’s quote and feel the movement of life more real than ever.
As we continue to reflect on the past two and a half years of the pandemic and learn of colleagues, friends, and family that are continuing to contract this awful virus, I know we remain steady in our efforts to recover, heal, and renew. May this season be more promising.
With all of our fall semester parts-of-terms fully underway I wanted to provide an update on one of our recovery efforts – Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM).
In late fall 2019, our college engaged in the development and implementation of our first ever SEM plan. We had no idea that we would be developing and implementing the strategies of the SEM while faced with the devastations of the pandemic.
The six strategic focus areas of our SEM helped ground our thinking during the constant wave of change:
Academic program mix
Equity-minded outreach and recruitment
Streamline and enhance the student admissions experience
Enrollment intensity – reduce the time and hours to an earned credential
Cultivate transformational relationships
Data informed and strategic communication that supports SEM
Human-centeredness and can-do spirit is experienced everyday as with our brilliantly talented faculty and staff teach and support students and one another during the most difficult of circumstance.
All of you are to be congratulated and are held in high esteem and widespread affection.
Here are a few of your contributions and shared celebrations: