Spring Registration Campaign Tops Previous Year’s Number

Since Oct. 14, Northwest Vista College has took on a cross-college initiative to register 1,642 students for the spring semester. This tops last year’s number of a little over 1,000 students.

The campaign, which culminated with the “Registration Lab,” in Mountain Laurel Hall on Nov. 15, brought together faculty and staff to assist 266 students from EDUC and SDEV classes in just one day.

NVC Director of Student Development Gary Bowling said the college has been doing this for the past five years and every year they see more students. He said during the campaign, faculty set up a time to funnel their students into the SDEV office and his team reviewed the students records and provided guidance on what to do if there were any issues.

Gary added some of the issues they saw were Title IX (sexual harassment module) holds, final transcripts not on file, a few bursar holds, and a few other random issues. He added the team also discussed the student’s Individualized Success Plan or ISP and made sure students registered for the right classes.

Adriana Garcia, 18, who was at the Nov. 15 registration event, said this is her second time registering at NVC.

“Everyone here is super helpful and there’s a bunch of people here to ask questions of,” said Adriana, who is a full-time student, and asked one of the staff members what was the definition of a hybrid class.

Gary said students were getting help from Advising, Enrollment Services, Math and English departments – all who had representatives at the Nov. 15 registration event. Additionally Gary said the SDEV team played a critical role to help students very early in the morning to late in the evening. That team includes Mallory Plummer, Silvia Jasso, Abby Garcia and a handful of work study employees.

Gary also thanked faculty for making the time during their classes to ensure students are registration ready.

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