Shaping an Alamo Colleges for the future was the topic of discussion on Dec. 7.
Alamo Colleges Chancellor Dr. Mike Flores was on hand to encourage Northwest Vista Colleges faculty and staff to engage in conversations to build a better tomorrow for the district and colleges. He said with the San Antonio population expected to increase significantly over the next several years, Alamo Colleges will have to identify ways to connect with the community and make community college accessible for them.
“We have a passion for what we do as educators. Many come to us because they are seeking a better life and learn more about the world around them,” Dr. Flores said. “We need to articulate what that means to students and their families and neighbors.”
Table-top discussions looked at what needs to be fixed, improved and what are some of those “broken records” employees keep repeating. Faculty and staff also identified what can be done now to move past obstacles.
Dr. Flores said the feedback from Dec. 7th’s session will go to representatives from staff and faculty senates, community partners to find major themes that can be added to Alamo Colleges Strategic Planning retreat in March. He said the goal is to get the best ideas and move forward.
Dr. Flores also reminded the audience that “the difference between a high school diploma and getting an associate degree, is $9,400 a year. This means the difference between paying monthly rent and perhaps (a student) buying their first house and paying their first monthly mortgage payment. It’s also the difference between hoping and praying your car doesn’t break down before you get to work and class and getting a new car.”