Scholarship Application Judging Attracts NVC Community & More

Representatives of the Northwest Vista College Business Council and Friends of the Arts at NVC (FANs) as well as NVC faculty and staff participated in the consolidated scholarship application judging event held Friday, April 10, at the Workforce Center of Excellence.

This event marked the first time all Alamo Colleges took part in the consolidated judging. The number of student applications received by the April 5th Alamo Colleges Foundation application deadline exceeded 2,800, according to Anna Rangel, scholarship coordinator for the Foundation.

NVC faculty and staff members serving as judges included Sally First, Kazia Estrada, Paul Northway, Jimena Marin, Zak Cernoch, Jack Robbins, Clint Dunagan, Tony Canestaro and Angelica Esparza.

Janie Lopez, PHR, manager of recruitment for HVHC, Inc.; Liliana Moreno, State Farm agency recruiter; Bryan Chase, chair of the Friends of the Arts at NVC Board of Directors; Christine Crowley, secretary of the FANS and retired NVC faculty member; Michele Lopez, recruiting specialist, Nationwide; and Victor Castillo, associate and director of interior design, Alamo Architects, Inc., represented NVC as community members on the judging panel.

Lynne T. Dean, NVC director of Institutional Advancement, and Manny Martinez, NVC alumni coordinator, helped facilitate the judging event.

Scholarship awards range from $200 to $3,000 per academic year with an average award amount of approximately $750, and are applied to the recipient’s student account for tuition, fees, books and other educational costs. For 2014-2015, NVC has awarded $232,211 in scholarships to 391 students.

Contributed by Lynne T. Dean, NVC Director of Institutional Advancement



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