If you missed graduation, here’s Northwest Vista College President Dr. Baser’s speech to students:
Graduates, tonight, I am feeling so proud of you. I am feeling your sense of excitement.
However, there is one thing I am not feeling right now, and that is surprised. I am not surprised by your accomplishments and your success at Vista. I am not surprised by the passion for learning your faculty instilled in you. I am not surprised you finished what you started because of the dedication of your advisors and student success staff who helped show you the path.
Furthermore, I am not surprised by the high level of support and the sacrifices your families have made to carry you to this day. These are the folks that shook you out of bed in the morning, didn’t let you go to sleep until your homework was done, believed in you, sacrificed for you, and loved you through it all, even when you drove them crazy!
This evening, as we reflect on the blessings of our liberty, may we be faithful stewards of the freedom that has been bestowed upon us. Let us never forget….that we cannot rightfully celebrate the joy of our freedom …. without remembering the great price paid for that freedom. To all our veterans and active duty military …. We have a simple, yet heartfelt message — thank you —- Thank you for your unwavering service in peacetime and war, here in the nation …. and throughout the world.
When I reflect on the enormous contributions our graduates have made … and will make to our community….. I am extremely optimistic about the future of our institution, city, state, country and global community. Your class ….. reflective of your generations, shares values that our society needs: a dedication to service, a genuine concern for the environment, tolerance of different views and lifestyles, and an understanding of collaboration across and within communities.
As you explore the world, remember the time you spent here. As you continue to learn and change, reflect on the times when you stumbled and even failed. Recall how your caring mentors pushed you in the right direction, and stretched your imagination and spirit. Keep in touch with each other and your professors, and always remember that this community and VISTA are a place that you can call HOME.