Red Eye Crew: Felicia King

Felicia Kingfelicia-king-2016
Certified Academic Advisor
NVC Career and Transfer Services

Felicia has been inducted into the “Red Eye Crew” this semester by the one and only Gary Bowling. He leads a small group of caffeinated-charged instructors who teach at 6:30 am. To read about this energetic bunch that we affectionately call the “Red Eye Crew,” go here.

  1. How long have you been teaching at 6:30 am? This is my first semester (Fall 16) teaching at 6:30 am
  2. What do you like the most about teaching at this time? I like being one of the first people students encounter and set a positive tone for the day. Also, teaching EDUC 1300/SDEV 0270 allows me to engage with students when they are new to the campus. I am able to become a resource for students as well as a guide throughout their academic career. I enjoy being productive before noon, teaching at 6:30 am allows me to transfer that over to students as well.
  3. What are some of the challenges? At times, students are tired at 6:30 am on a Monday, so I have to find creative ways to get them to engage. It also creates a reason to encourage students to manage their time and ensure they get enough rest to be able to be active and successful in class. Another challenge is ensuring that I have the materials for class. I have to plan ahead of time. If there are technical issues, I have to be creative in keeping the class going. Flexibility is very important when teaching at 6:30 am.
  4. How early do you have to get up to be ready to teach? Luckily, I live really close. So I get up around 5 am to 5:15 am to ensure I can grab some coffee or breakfast and get to campus at 6 am. I like to get to campus early in case a student needs to speak before class since I cannot stay after class.In order to ensure that I am here early every Monday and Wednesday, I set multiple alarms. This is very important with staying on time especially since it is still dark when I am getting ready. Teaching this early in the morning is not for everyone, but I really like it.  It is also a way to ensure that I have a great parking space.
  5. How long have you been at NVC? I started at NVC June 2015 as an advisor and started teaching with Student Development October 2015.

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