Psych Faculty and Students Making Waves

Dr. Don Receives Fellow Status at Annual Psych Meeting

More than 25 Northwest Vista psychology students, along with psychology faculty, Anna-Marie Evans, Jen Fox, Cindy Jacox, and Dr. Don Lucas attended the annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association (SWPA) from April 12-15 in Houston.

Established in 1953, SWPA represents American Psychological Association members living in the Southwest and promotes and strengthens psychology’s scientific, professional and educational facets.

NVC’s very own Dr. Don Lucas was honored on April 14 as a Fellow of the Southwestern Psychological Association. Fellow status is the highest honor SWPA can award a member. Selection requires evidence of significant contributions to the discipline of psychology…in terms of scholarship, productivity, leadership, and visibility. Dr. Lucas is just the third member in the history of SWPA to be bestowed the status of Fellow.

In addition to Dr. Don’s honor, several students presented their original research to standing-room-only audiences!

  • Janet Camacho, Nusta Garnica, Tailar Matthews presented their research titled, Can Emojis and Vocabulary Predict General Sexual Knowledge?
  • Jett Davidson presented his research titled, Is Grit beyond the Big 5?
  • Diane Goguen and Jett Davidson, presented about a mental health, titled: Help Helped Me!  Supporting Help Seeing Behaviors in Others.
  • Christian Salazar and Jacqueline Dominquez presented their research titled, Does Having Acne Affect What You See in Me?

Summaries of their research can be found at:

Several students have on-going research projects they plan to present at next year’s annual meet of the SWPA, which will be in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Popular Higher Education Resource asks Psychology Faculty to Write about Sex recently published two modules written by NVC psychology professors: Jen Fox and Don Lucas.

“NOBA…provides high-quality, flexibly structured textbooks, and educational materials.” Thousands of college students, from around the world, use the NOBA platform everyday and psychology professors use NOBA’s modules for the reading materials within their courses.

NOBA asks only the “most respected psychologists” to author their modules. Of the 100 plus modules about psychology available on, there were none about sex and sexuality, before NOBA asked Professors Fox and Lucas to author modules about their expertise.

Professors Fox and Lucas’ modules, titled: “The Psychology of Human Sexuality, and Human Sexual Anatomy and Physiology,” facilitate people’s abilities for fully exploring their own diverse and ever-changing sexual landscapes.

The Psychology of Human Sexuality examines the history of scientifically studying sex, sexual consent, sexual behaviors, biological sex, gender, sexual orientation, and definitions of normality. Human Sexual Anatomy and Physiology examines sexual anatomy, sexual response cycles, the brain and sex, pregnancy, birth control, sexually transmitted infections, sexual dysfunctions, and treatments. On their own or combined, these modules provide fundamental overviews of human sexuality.

Since sexuality is a basic driving force of human behaviors, Professors Fox and Lucas expect their modules will be utilized across all psychology courses.


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