One Mile at a Time!

Congrats to Bernie Zertuche of the Facilities department at Northwest Vista College. He completed his first marathon on Dec. 6, 2015. 

Bernie said it took him five hours and 30 minutes to run the Rock 'N' Roll Marathon or a whopping 26.2 miles.

He started his training last summer by running five to six miles every other day, and on Saturdays he would do a slow, long run of 10 to 15 miles for the first two months. As he approached the marathon, Bernie increased his training to 15 to 20 miles. He said he averaged 35 to 40 miles per week of running at a pace of 11- to 12-minute miles.  

After the run, which was on a Sunday, Bernie came to work the next day with no problems. Now he's planning to run this year's marathon in December and participate in other 10K and 25K runs, hoping to improve his time.

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