Natalia Treviño contributes “Lockdown Love and Panic” to International Book of Essays

Congratulations to Northwest Vista College’s Natalia Treviño of the English department.

Her essay, “Lockdown Love and Panic” was recently included in the book titled, “Global Pandemic Crisis: A series of Literary Essays on Quarantine.” The book’s forward is by UTSA Professor Steven Kellman.

According to Amazon, it says, “This collection of essays by reputable scholars discusses their reactions to the COVID-19 pandemic. How do they spend their time during the lockdown? What lessons came from their experiences isolated from work at the university?”

Natalia was also recently selected as a board member for San Antonio’s quarterly literary magazine, “Voice de la Luna,” which is San Antonio’s only literary magazine, and is going to be celebrating its 50th print edition soon. There is a call out for their November issue for essays, poetry, and art on music, in celebration of Beethoven’s 250th birthday!

There is also a call for essays, poetry, and travel for the February issue. She encourages faculty and staff to consider subscribing to it, sending students to it for submissions of their work, or submitting your own work!


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