NVC’s Marketing & Strategic Communications Team Wins Award

El Bronce award of meritCongratulations to Northwest Vista College’s Marketing & Strategic Communications team for recently receiving an El Bronce Award of Merit for its NVC Employee Facebook page from the San Antonio chapter of the Public Relations Society of America.

Every year, the local PRSA chapter recognizes PR professionals and campaigns from across the city at its annual awards ceremony. About 50 organizations large and small in the South Texas region enter the awards contest. Since the face-to-face ceremony had to be cancelled due to the pandemic, there will be a virtual ceremony on July 30. Awards were sent out in boxes to the recipients.

Here are some of the judge’s comments regarding NVC’s award:

  • This is a creative and effective way to communicate more with employees using a social media platform that most of them already use.
  • The results were good in terms of what you wanted to accomplish
  • The team’s effort in producing video chats is a good way to gauge the numbers on the Facebook page.

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