NVC STEM and Partners Present at WETC Crossroads to Success Event

Dr. Prakash Nair interacting with community members.
Humberto Buenrostro (FUERTE NVC Transfer and St. Mary’s University) and Dr. Mary Zocchi
St. Mary’s University from left to right (representing FUERTE and St. Mary’s University): Humberto Buenrostro (FUERTE NVC Transfer and St. Mary’s University), Hannelore Tampipi, Desiree Martinez, and Kristianna Martinez
UTSA Klesse College of Engineering and Integrated Design Student Ambassadors from left to right (representing TATE and UTSA): Adelite Hategeka, Indra Garcia-Morales, and Jose Morales
Plus+STEM Grant from left to right Juan Coronado Gutierrez (and VP of the NVC Engineering Club), Amanda Hernandez, and Alana Wimberley.
Dr. Thomas Pressly interacting with community members.

UTSA, St. Mary’s University, NVC/UTSA TATE, NVC Engineering Club, NVC Plus+STEM, and NVC/St. Mary’s FUERTE were all excited to participate in tabling in the Crossroads to Success! /  ¡Caminos al Èxito! at the Westside Education and Training Center (WETC) on Saturday, October 7, 2023. 

Drs. Mary Zocchi, Prakash Nair, and Thomas Pressly were also there to support the tabling. They enjoyed interacting with the community and the Alamo Colleges faculty and staff.  Thanks to Dr. June Pedraza for inviting them to share in the event.

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