NVC Risk Management Closely Monitoring COVID-19

Northwest Vista College’s Risk Management Team has been helping NVC stay ahead of the coronavirus.

Since mid-January, NVC Risk Management has made key recommendations to reduce the exposure of COVID-19 at NVC.

Garvin Dansby, NVC coordinator of College Risk Management Office, and Paulina Betancourt, administrative assistant to NVC Risk Management, have been closely following the virus as it started unfolding in Wuhan, China. They quickly moved to gather supplies before it hit the U.S.

Additionally, Garvin also kept NVC leadership aware of COVID-19 updates from the federal, state and local governments. NVC Risk Management advised leaders on a number of safety protocols to keep in alignment with district that included:

  • Ceasing campus activities and working remotely to reduce an outbreak.
  • Recommending NVC employees returning from high-risk areas stay home for 14 days regardless if they showed symptoms or not.
  • Monitoring alleged reported virus cases by faculty, staff and students to follow the Alamo Colleges flow chart of reporting and confirming a case.
  • Outfitting all of Alamo Colleges Police patrols with N95 masks and gloves after those resources were unavailable.
  • Providing guidance in the closure of the campus, no contact laptop issuing process, and social distancing protocols recommended by Metro Health.

Garvin said employees should take the necessary precautionary measures today, so we are able to come together soon.

“If you show symptoms of the virus, please notify me and seek medical treatment immediately. Stay safe NVC!” Garvin added.

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