NVC Receives Well Workplace Award

Northwest Vista College was recently recognized by the Wellness Council of America with a Well Workplace Award. NVC’s Daniel Johnson said the award was given to NVC because:

  • Kinesiology faculty hosts lunch time fitness/spin class and healthy eating classes throughout the year
  • Kinesiology faculty oversee personal training students to help employees
  • The opportunity for employees to have an area to work out in on their own (the Fitness Center), before and after work and Rec Sports staff provide fitness center orientations and weight training sessions for employees
  • The usage of the indoor track with a walking/conditioning workouts; employees trained by Rec Sports staff
  • Participation in district 5K’s, which is hosted by Alamo Colleges Wellness Committee. NVC hosted the 5K a couple of years ago.
  • Allowing employees to run with the NVC Cross Country team during team practices.

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