NVC Psychology Students Attend and Present at Professional Research Conference

The Northwest Vista College Psychology Department took by storm the annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association (SWPA) from April 8-10 in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

NVC Professor of Psychology, Dr. Don Lucas, Associate Professor of Psychology, Jen Fox, and Adjunct Professor Zach Hanich, along with eight NVC Psychology students attended the annual SWPA meeting.

In addition to attending workshops, invited talks, research symposia, poster sessions, and research paper sessions—several students with faculty presented their original research to standing-room-only audiences.

Current NVC student, Ginger Smith presented a talk titled, Incidence, Consequences, and Mediators of Childhood Sexual Abuse in Community College Students, with Dr. Lucas and Sember Lucas—a junior psychology major at Texas Tech University (and Dr. Don’s daughter).

Current NVC students, Payton Bass, Kiernan Groves, Bradley Jacinto, Kailyn Strickland, and Fritz Stuart presented a talk titled, The Illusory Truth Effect and Misinformation Spread on Social Media, with their mentor Zach Hanich—a former NVC psychology student, and graduate of NVC.

Ginger Smith, Kiernan Groves, and Bradley Jacinto will be attending in the fall, Texas A&M University, Texas State University, and The University of Texas, respectively.

NVC students have been attending and presenting at the annual meetings of the SWPA since 2005.

Several current NVC students have on-going research they plan to submit for possible presentation at next year’s annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, which will be in Frisco, Texas.

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