NVC Producing Impressive Stats

Northwest Vista College has historically been known for its increasing enrollment, but the college is showing progress in other categories, such as graduation rates, developmental learning and the percentage of minority students earning degrees. 

Three-Year Graduation Rates 

  • NVC is in the short list in the state among very large community colleges with the highest three-year graduation rate of 23 percent, according to the Integrated Postsecondary Data System or IPEDS. The data examined a cohort or group of students measured from 2012-2015. Tradionally, community colleges struggle with low graduation rates because they are viewed as transfer schools. This recent data is also significant because 75 percent of NVC students are part time and it takes them longer to graduate.

Developmental Success

  • The Texas Higher Education Coordination Board published the NVC results for the Legislative Budget Board Outcome and Output (LBB) measures. These outcomes indicate NVC is making significant progress on its goals of degree completion and strong transfer success. Students who enter needing developmental courses are most successful when they are able to move to college level courses in a short period of time and meet their Texas Success Initiative (TSI) requirements. For developmental math, 41.4 percent of NVC students meet the two-year timetable. This is below the best in state of 58.7 percent at Grayson County College but well above the poorest performer at 7.7 percent. The NVC Math Pathways initiative is designed to address and improve this outcome, so NVC will be watching this measure closely in the coming reporting periods. 
  • Reading results indicated that 71.8 percent of NVC students completed their TSI requirements in two years. This is below the state best at 84.8 percent in the Houston Community College District. NVC also performs well in writing achievement with 63.7 percent of students completing the TSI requirements in two years or less. This is below the state best found at College of the Mainland Community College District of 72.3 percent but well above the lowest performing college at 20.8 percent. 

Top Minority-Degree Producers

Northwest Vista College is among the nation’s Top 100 Minority-Degree Producers according to “Diverse: Issues in Higher Education” magazine. NVC  has made the list since the rankings began in 2010. The Diverse Top 100 Minority Degree Producers rankings are compiled each year according to the number of degrees awarded to minority students. The publication this year focused on the achievements during the 2013-14 academic year, comparing them to the previous year. 

NVC was ranked 18th nationally for all disciplines for Hispanic degrees awarded. Also reported for these categories was the percentage of minority graduates. For example, 68 percent of education degrees and Business Administration, Management and Operations degrees awarded in 2013-2014 at NVC were awarded to minority students. Fifty-six percent of all degrees awarded were presented to Hispanic students. To see NVC rankings, go here.

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