NVC Participate in Judging Record Number of Scholarship Applications

[image 1]Northwest Vista College joined three other Alamo Colleges in the consolidated scholarship application judging event held Friday, April 4, at the Workforce Center of Excellence. Other participating colleges include San Antonio College, Palo Alto College and St. Philip’s College.

NVC Business Council Member Genaro Trevino of Fusion Catering and Cuisine donated lunch for the more than 100 judges and facilitators at the event and served on the NVC team of judges.

[image 2]The number of student applications  received by the March 31st Alamo Colleges Foundation application deadline exceeded 2,200, according to Jim Eskin, executive director of the Foundation, and continues the upward trend in the number of students applying.

NVC faculty and staff members serving as judges included Jimena Marin, Javier Morales, Paul Northway, Cristina Pandaru, Barbara Perez and Jack Robbins.

[image 3]“It was with great pleasure that I participate in this amazing process. I feel honored to be part of the group of people that will give these students a chance to better their lives. It was a reality check for me to hear all those stories and to get to know our students better,” Jimena said about her experience.

[image 4]Marcia Caballero, vice president of Friends of the Arts at NVC and director of sales at the Courtyard Marriott SeaWorld Westover Hills; Bryan Chase, president of Friends of the Arts at NVC; Christine Crowley, secretary of Friends of the Arts at NVC and retired NVC faculty member; Eliot Lee of MVHL Consulting; Andrea Hardeman, talent acquisition manager of Nationwide; and Joel Stevens, director of human resources of the Hyatt Regency Hill Country Resort and Spa, represented NVC as community members on the judging panel.

Lynne T. Dean, NVC director of institutional advancement; Lucy Gauna, NVC scholarship coordinator; and Manny Martinez, NVC alumni coordinator, helped facilitate the judging event.

[image 5]Scholarship awards range from $200 to $3,000 per academic year with an average award amount of approximately $750, and are applied to the recipient’s student account for tuition, fees, books and other educational costs.

Last year, NVC awarded $196,244 in scholarships to 354 students.

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